FAQ: About the Institute for Trans Ideology
- 241 words
- 2 min
Is this a joke?
No, as you can see we're an extremely serious research institution.
What is the point of this?
With increasing awareness in the wider public about the very powerful and world conquering trans lobby, we thought it was time to step out from the shadows and foster a public presence for both public education and open research in the field of global domination.
We also feel that if our detractors are going to be writing in the press about the pervasive influence of trans ideology, it is only right that we constitute a body which is able to demand a right of reply to the concerns of the future convert.
As gender is the fastest growing religion it is time for us to present the case for a One Trans World Government on our own behalf, rather than having it relayed through the voices of our critics.
We also feel that there are not in this time of growing academic censorship, sufficient alternative avenues for the development and dissemination of some of the more exotic and controversial transgender/transsexual heresies, and it behooves us to work to promote these.
Thank you for your attention.
How is the Institute for Trans Ideology constituted?
Currently, the Institute is ruled by secret dictatorship as a result of legacy management processes inherited from the international trans conspiracy. However we may review this as circumstances develop and undertake further editorial and administrative decentralisation.